
DPW Painting Challenge

"The New Chicks"    8 x 10 Oil on board

This is my first entry for a very fun painting challenge put on by the Daily Paintworks website. This is a great site that encourages artists to post their take on each weeks new challenge. This weeks challenge is aptly called the Chicken Challenge.

This may be your only chance to pry this from my wifes hands!
$150.00 w/ free shipping


  1. Love your take on this weeks challenge! The best part is the fluffy quality of the feathers.

  2. I can understand why your wife has a soft spot for this one. Really nice.

  3. What a great entry, Randy. Tell your wife you can paint her another one after this one sells!

  4. I've been following chickens around the art blogging universe during the DPW challenge. I love yours. Four bundles of glowing feathers!
    Glad they led me to discover your blog with its wonderful paintings.

  5. Thanks guys and welcome Shirley and Azra. Thank you all for your comments.
