
Apple Preserves Starter Kit

"Apple Preserves Starter Kit" 8" x 10"

The weather kept me indoors so I set up another still life. I had received a program from the Greenhouse Gallery and it had several paintings of "jars" by Dianne Massey Dunbar. So it inspired me to give it a shot. I worked from my own setup and approached it the same as if I was outside by painted it Alla prima style in around two hours.

I think I'm starting to like painting still lifes. 

Alla prima is a style of painting where, instead of building colors up with layers or glazing over an underpainting, the painting is completed while the paint is still wet. Strictly defined, an alla prima painting would be started and finished in one painting session, but the term is also more loosely applied to any painting done in a direct, expressive style, with minimal preparation.

Alla prima comes from Italian, literally meaning "at once". The French term is premier coup.


“Walking To Texas”

“Walking To Texas”  9" x12"

This sculpture and fountain is a tribute to the pioneer families who came to the Grape Vine prairie seeking a bright future and new life.

A real photo of this statue and more info can be found at "ilovegrapevinetexas.com"

This is my first painting using Lefranc brand paints. My first thoughts were how buttery they are. The white was very soft and easily mixed. They definitely have a different feel and they seem to take longer to dry. This was also my first attempt on an Oil Primed Linen board so it is hard to pin down the paints exact nature. I did fall in love with the board!

Off for more experimentation.