
Sorry 2 My Family

"Parade Tractor"
9 x 12  © 2011

I found this tractor, immediately took my family home, squeezed out a call to a painting buddy and went to work. ( Sorry 2 my family )

I laid the darks in very dry and applied the paint with thick deliberate strokes. I approached it a little looser and personally like the results. I'm real curious what you guys think.


  1. Only because you asked: "I'm real curious what you guys think."

    The brown shape(under painting ? ) in the middle doesn't read well for me (bothers me, incongruous). Everything else, I like very much. Good brush work, color,loose and spontaneous looking.

  2. Thanks for the comment William. Is it only the back of the tractor that bothers you or all of the shadows? The color or the execution? I used transparent earth red as my underpainting color. The tractor actually had a metal screen on the back that I was trying to indicate.
    Thanks for the critique. I value your opinion.

  3. Hey Randy. I like the looseness of this, it gives it an immediacy that I really like. The "brown shape" doesn't bother me. I couldn't say it looked out of place since I didn't see the tractor. I assume you painted it because it was there.
    I received the painting in the mail and really like it. I think the style of it is a little looser than you have been doing.

  4. Looks good Randy! Nice break up of space and ...It's loose!

  5. Love the looseness and the gorgeous color, especially where one color drags into another in a fresh spontaneous way. It's great!

  6. Thanks Doug, Robin & Lorraine. Always appreciate your feedback!

  7. I really like the contrast of warm and cool colors next to each other. Well done!

  8. Really nice light in this Randy. A winner for sure!

  9. Thanks David and Lee! Always appreciate your comments.
    David, you have been on a role lately. Wonderful work, sir. Check it out @ http://davidforks.com/
